GLTools graphics optimizer APK Android Apps

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 GLTools graphics optimizer APK v1.07
Requirements: Android 2.2+/Root
Overview:Gltools is a custom Opengl driver (substitute), that is good with any known Opengles 2.0-perfect GPU + ARM processor, x86 processors are not backed (Galaxy Tab 3 for instance). In the event that you still don't comprehend, what this application is, the closest known simple is Chainfire3d.

-**** Root and a writable /framework part are needed! It would be ideal if you read the portrayal totally! ****- -

Gltools is a custom Opengl driver (substitute), that is good with any known Opengles 2.0-perfect GPU + ARM processor, x86 processors are not backed (Galaxy Tab 3 for instance). In the event that you still don't comprehend, what this application is, the closest known simple is Chainfire3d.

Characteristics rundown:

- Change determination and rendering bitness in any application, regardless of the possibility that it doesn't help that naturally.

- Change GPU name and revel in improved design even on a noname low-close GPU.

- Take full control over compositions: now you can decompress/recompress them (regardless of the possibility that your GPU doesn't help that surface configuration) and resize. Note that decompression characteristic is accessible just in the event that you'll introduce a plugin (web is obliged to do that)

- Optimize shaders on-the-fly for ideal execution (the same enhancer is utilized within Unity3d motor naturally)

- Enable MSAA or CSAA in any application to enhance illustrations quality (determine that your GPU underpins that)

- Measure picked up execution with a pleasant onscreen FPS counter (or you can yield FPS data to Logcat assuming that you are a master)

Gltools is 100% protected assuming that you have a custom recuperation introduced (and you didn't incapacitate reinforcement in Gltools introduce dialog), in the event that you'll discover it non-meeting expectations, you can simply streak in recuperation and email me with items (or appeal a discount).

Tried on:

- HTC One X

- Nexus 7 2013

- LG G2

Lawful data:

Client is mindful to determine that any plugins he uses are lawful to utilize. All surface plugins (aside from Default) are composed by autonomous engineers and are put on a third gathering webserver (with the exception of Default which is builtin), which has nothing to do with me, a Gltools creator, with the exception of that I give a straightforward in-application program to introduce them (as all we know, program makers have nothing to do with any injurious Internet content, the same thing here).

All trademark utilization is nominative, nominative use is Fair Use, it doesn't require any consent from trademark holder. Any trademarks are the property of their possessors in any case.

What's new:

It is not 100% stable, so contact creator for any inquiries! (


Included CPU imitating, so amusement help is moved forward. Note that if your Cpu/gpu doesn't generally help faked characteristics, amusements can crash.

Upgraded constructing agent code utilizing R12 register.

Plugin server API have changed once more (by somebody not so much known) - now with Armv7 help.


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